Spring has sprung. The temperatures are rising, the flowers are blooming, and MWR has seen a steady stream of new patients this month. We have also been very active in the community participating in local festivals and providing education programs. Learn more in the Program Update below.
This month we honored MWR founder Valery E Smith who was called to her heavenly home in April of last year. As a memorial tribute we shared stories and pictures from many of those whose lives were uniquely touched by Valery’s powerful spirit. See the full content here: https://www.mswildliferehab.org/news/
And just a reminder as we continue into baby bird season, not every baby found on the ground needs someone to help. Please check out this link for useful information to determine when it is best to intervene or to let momma and daddy bird do their thing. https://www.mswildliferehab.org/wildlife-resources/
Patient Update:
This month we admitted 102 new patients into care representing 28 different bird and 4 turtle species.
Sponsor Thank You:
A big Thank You to the following people who answered the call to sponsor our rehab patients through
Sponsorship Sunday this month.
- Jeff Leathers
- Diane Sales
- Rick Vanelli
- Tyler Hollingsworth
- Laura Haulum
- Theresa Hissong
- Allie Smith
- Lindsey Vick
- Anita Rush
- Ally Downen
- Searcy Cunningham
- Cassandra Truan
Your gift is life-giving for these animals. Keep an eye out for upcoming Sponsorship Sunday opportunities.
Program update:
MWR had a HOOT at the Memphis Botanic Garden’s Family Campfire Night. We enjoyed meeting many enthusiastic families and sharing a variety of nocturnal creatures with them including insects, arachnids, reptiles and of course owls.
This month MWR provided education programs to Funschooling Nature Co-op and Point Day School. We always appreciate the opportunity to connect with local families, teaching and inspiring them to help protect native wildlife.
Participants in part 2 of our Backyard Wildlife Habitat workshop series, A Bountiful Buffet, learned to provide a variety of natural food sources for native wildlife and were able to take home native seeds and seedlings to plant in their own yards. Creating these native habitats will be an impactful benefit to the survival of our local wildlife.
MWR had a great time participating in the annual Desoto County Earth Day Festival at the historic County Courthouse Square in Hernando. We especially love being a part of our local community events.
We were especially honored to be invited to the annual Blue Block Party for the Arc Northwest Mississippi, held in Olive Branch. It is a privilege to support their mission advocating for and providing programming for people with disabilities.
The month ended with the first session of Yoga at the ARK with Jill Morris. We hope to offer this program again in the fall.
Looking Ahead:
School is almost out, and our summer camps are the perfect activity for your 8-12 year old. We have
REDUCED THE PRICE for each camp to $200 and still have some spots open for our Wildlife (June 24-28)
and Nature Art (July 8-12) summer camps. Plus, there is still time to apply for one of the Valery E smith
memorial camp scholarships that will cover the full cost of the camp. Learn more Here.
This Saturday, May 11, MWR will be at two different events. From 9a-3pm visit us at the 5 Star City Fest in Senatobia and from 10a-4p you can see us at the Camp Creek Natives Pollinator Palooza in New Albany.
Join us at the ARK, Saturday May 26 from 10a-noon for our Nature Photography Workshop with Melissa Gilbert. Learn more and register Here.
And we are only a month away from the first annual MWR Golf Tournament, scheduled for June 07 at
the Wedgwood Golf Club in Olive Branch. For team registration and sponsorship opportunities visit Here.